Environmental Intelligence Solutions

Mission Critical Monitoring & Predictions

Know the Future.

EarthCast Technologies, LP is a real-time global Earth system monitoring and prediction company providing mission critical environmental intelligence products, systems, and services to worldwide clients who require high-end, innovative solutions for difficult environmental challenges.

Environmental Intelligence: Global to Local Solutions

Weather, Water, Land.

EarthCast starts with real-time, highly precise data about what is happening on the land, sea, and in the atmosphere. We use this to generate extremely accurate information about what will happen in the future at your exact location, anywhere on the planet.

Hyperlocal Weather

The EarthCast team specializes in developing local and site-specific monitoring and prediction capabilities for clients who require high-resolution, rapid-update predictions. Utilizing real-time, space-based observations and advanced prediction technologies, we provide customer-focused data streams and products detailing weather, water, and land conditions  in real time, for any location on the planet.

High-Resolution, Rapid-Update Predictions

EarthCast’s Data as a Service (DaaS) provides the hyperlocal, real-time monitoring and prediction information our clients need to make critical operational decisions. 

Hyperlocal Radar, Wind Speed and Direction Forecast at 1 km Resolution

Global Weather

Utilizing next generation, rapidly updating global satellite observations to monitor the Earth in real time, EarthCast provides critical environmental information for any location on the planet, including remote areas, open oceans and high latitude locations.

Total Global Coverage for Situational Awareness

We also monitor and predict space weather impacts on the Earth’s atmosphere.

Intuitive products like the 3 km resolution Global Radar Forecast shown below provide unrivaled situational awareness for true, all-domain environmental awareness.

Global Radar Forecasts at 3 km Resolution

From real-time observations to predictions of future conditions, information is ready for global information systems (GIS) integrations to support mission planning, historical analysis, context for trends, and environmental data solutions.

High-Performance Computing Environmental Intelligence Solutions

Ultra-Rapid Update Predictions

Earth System
Multi-Model Optimization 

Earth Observing System
Data Assimilation

Advanced Environmental Intelligence R&D Partnerships

Client Centered
Products & Solutions

Our science and technology experts continuously innovate new solutions in environmental intelligence.

EarthCast pioneers advances in Earth observing and prediction sciences, data assimilation, and modeling techniques to create custom environmental intelligence monitoring and prediction products. 

Environmental Intelligence: Science, Technology & Engineering Services

Lower Atmosphere & Aviation

EarthCast develops environmental intelligence solutions for some of the world’s biggest airlines and defense companies provided as both in-cockpit and ground-based solutions supporting tens of thousands of pilots and operations personnel with mission-critical, 24/7/365 operations.

Global NowCast Turbulence Prediction & Alerting

We develop customized solutions to deal with complex environmental hazards – from real-time alerting for turbulence to forecasting convective hazards around the globe.

Designed specifically for aviation, EarthCast provides monitoring and prediction products throughout the lower atmosphere with over 100 vertical flight levels (up to 100,000 ft+), including visibility, degraded visual environment (DVE), cloud cover, cloud bases, cloud tops and ceilings, wind speed and direction, and more.

Hazard Alert Notifications In-Flight

EarthCast also provides real-time alerting for flight hazards such as convection, icing, hail, volcanic ash, turbulence (with 3D views), lightning, contrails, and more.

Upper Atmosphere & Space

EarthCast is monitoring and predicting the upper atmosphere and space environment which is driven by the incoming solar wind (velocity, density, and magnetic field), solar ultraviolet (UV) and Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation, as well as gravity waves & tides from the lower part of the terrestrial atmosphere.

Whole Atmosphere Modeling

EarthCast’s operational Whole Atmosphere Models (WAM) provide revolutionary real-time, integrated space weather products and solutions for the Earth’s neutral atmosphere to an altitude 3,000 km+. This is a dramatic expansion of the ability to monitor and predict the full depth and volume of the Earth’s terrestrial atmosphere.

In addition to extending prediction capability through the depths of the atmosphere, EarthCast is developing innovative technologies for monitoring and predicting the space weather plasma component of the atmosphere. Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (IPE) provides global four-dimensional (4D) models of plasma densities and velocities (9 ion species), as well as ion and electron temperatures in the ionosphere and plasmasphere.

Courtesy of J. Grobowsky
Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (IPE)

This new knowledge is critical to launch and space operations of high-altitude vehicles, satellites, and high frequency (HF) communications.  EarthCast supports both national defense and commercial customers with advanced solutions for space-age challenges.

Hydrology, Land & Sea

EarthCast provides advanced environmental modeling solutions predicting numerous hazards and reducing the impact that they have on our customers’ operations.

Precipitation Accumulation

Our hydrology modeling solutions provide predictions of flash flooding, streamflow, infiltration, saturation, washout, and groundwater flow. 

Land surface models provide detailed information about soil conditions, including soil moisture and temperature, while ocean surface models provide information on key conditions including surface temperature and wave heights at sub-kilometer resolutions.

Global Surface Conditions

EarthCast’s monitoring and prediction products include real-time alerting for hazards such as threats to commercial aviation, high-risk transportation corridors, railroad washout prediction, as well as flood and flash flood alerting.

Defense and Government

EarthCast provides research, development, and system customization services to the Department of Defense and integrators supporting initiatives in commercial weather solutions, hypersonic vehicle and range testing, rapid-update space-based observations, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and in-cockpit environmental situational awareness.

Flight Path Ending in Squall Line

EarthCast is committed to serving the warfighter by applying advanced, commercially developed technologies to our nation’s defense through DoD Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards.

EarthCast delivers monitoring and prediction products for terrestrial weather that reach into the Thermosphere with predictions for over 100 vertical flight levels up to 100,000 feet, including convection, icing, turbulence, visibility, cloud cover, cloud tops and ceilings, wind speed and direction, and more.

EarthCast 4D Cube of Environmental Information

For space weather, we monitor and predict electron density, neutral air density, chemistry, and more. EarthCast provides real-time alerting for numerous hazards, including DVE, hail, volcanic ash, turbulence, lightning, and flooding.

Air & Space

Hydrology, Land &

Operational Environmental Modeling

High-Performance Computing

Data Handling &

Displays &

Customized projects or end-to-end environmental scientific and engineering services.

Our understanding of environmental science, computing, and engineering technologies allows us to provide client-centered solutions to difficult environmental impact challenges.

Environmental Intelligence: Business Areas Solutions


EarthCast provides aviation solutions for in-flight alerting of customized hazards with visualization tools that provide both top-down and vertical cross-section views.

Cockpit Flight Weather Viewers

Our detailed environmental intelligence solutions are ready to support the next generation of aviation pioneers, including Urban Air Mobility (UAM), electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) and drone operations. 

EarthCast intuitively displays innovative global turbulence and flight hazard products, providing global situational awareness directly into the cockpit through electronic flight bags (EFBs).

Global NowCast Turbulence

EarthCast provides near real-time current observations of lighting, hail, aircraft reported turbulence, weather radar, rapidly-updating global turbulence nowcast products and longer-term forecasts paired with in-flight tracking.

Space Weather

EarthCast’s space weather services address the most complex challenges facing those who operate at our atmosphere’s highest levels – and beyond. EarthCast provides real-time monitoring and predictions of key space weather components such as neutral orbital air density, Total Electron Content (TEC), plasma densities and velocities with 9 ion species breakdown, and more, to altitudes over 2700 km.

VTEC Global 24 Hour Prediction

EarthCast has developed specialized electron density monitoring and predictions for HF communications empowering solutions for Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF) due to D-region absorption, Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF), and more.

HF Solutions for D, E, F1 & F2 Regions

EarthCast can also address small-scale ionospheric irregularities causing scintillations/fluctuation or complete loss of signal, and help with navigation signal delays and line of sight electron content for position error improvements.  EarthCast’s solutions provide details about the Earth’s neutral and charged atmosphere for improved planning and operations.

Space Positioning, Navigation, Timing, Drag & Communication Solutions

Contributing to the spirit of stimulating innovation and collaboration for national defense, EarthCast is proud to be a selected participant working with the Space Domain Awareness (SDA) TAP Lab to help accelerate the delivery of space battle management software to operational units for the US Space Force Space Systems Command.

The Apollo Accelerator initiative is a collaborative tech accelerator for industry, academia, and government to solve critical SDA challenges – to rapidly predict, detect, track, identify, warn, characterize, and attribute, threats to U.S., commercial, allied, and partner space systems.

Ground Transportation

We provide solutions for situational awareness in even the most remote locations. EarthCast’s global coverage provides detailed information when and where it’s needed the most. 

Full Global Coverage Empowers Nested Predictions

Monitoring & prediction products include real-time alerting for railway/roadway hazards including flash flooding, washout prediction, ground saturation, and flooding.

Emergency Management

We provide solutions for Emergency Management Services (EMS) that include severe weather alerting, chemical dispersion, wildfire monitoring and prediction, and volcanic ash downwind transport, all powered by our Ultra-Rapid Update (URU) hazard prediction hyperlocal services.

Wildfire Monitoring & Predictions

Monitoring and prediction products for wildfires, convective storms, wind shear, chemical dispersion, and volcanic ash downwind transport, including automated hazard alerts.


We provide solutions for maritime operations, anywhere in the world. Monitoring and prediction products for sea states, water temperature, wave heights and more.

Global Wave Heights

Environmental Change

We provide terrestrial weather solutions at the global to local scale, including extremely detailed information about the Earth’s atmosphere. Vast historical archives and advanced processing provide the ability to see potential long-term impacts over time.

Advanced Earth system monitoring and prediction products at the global and hyperlocal scales.  Monitoring and prediction products for near and long-term impacts.


Solutions for real-time global monitoring, water resource management and engineering, financial commodity planning, and historical analysis for trends and extremes.

Global Surface Conditions

Monitoring and prediction products for near and long-term impacts.

Historical Analysis for Trends and Extremes

Monitoring and prediction solutions include Ultra-Rapid Update (URU) hazard prediction services and automated hazard alerts.


EarthCast provides real-time environmental monitoring and prediction solutions for true situational awareness, including temperature, wind, and cloud conditions, as well as wildfire monitoring, and downwind transports of chemical or nuclear materials.

Power Line Environment Conditions

Environmental Intelligence: Advanced Technologies

Global Environmental Weather Intelligence System (GEWIS)

Our advanced technologies power the next generation of environmental products.

We research and develop new concepts and capabilities to create custom algorithms and models for advanced environmental intelligence applications. We work closely with our clients to develop custom solutions using our core advanced technologies.

Environmental Intelligence: Innovation

A strong network enables new environmental intelligence technologies to emerge.

EarthCast partners with commercial entities, universities, research labs, non-profits, and government agencies, including the Department of Defense.

Small Business Innovation Research 

Federally funded SBIR research and development projects advance and accelerate our innovation

Advanced Technology Network

It takes a diverse network of science and engineering experts to create a new generation of environmental intelligence products.

Research & Development

EarthCast makes substantial internal investments to capitalize on emerging technologies and understand the future of environmental intelligence capabilities